Hi, I'm Dotty

I want you know that I truly understand what you’re going through right now. I’ve been there too…

A few years ago I was at my wits end when it came to getting my firstborn to sleep. I tried everything but nothing seemed to work.

After much searching, I discovered a method that felt right for me – an evidence-based approach to sleep developed around the teachings of Alfred Adler, the acclaimed developmental phycologist.

Not only did it allow me to follow my instincts as a parent, it helped me to understand why sleep had become such a challenge in the first place.

It changed my life.

In a matter of days I had a baby who loved her cot and slept full nights.

I was so taken by what I learned I knew I’d found my calling. I quit my job and retrained at the Adler Institute, becoming a certified parent coach specialising in infant sleep.

Everything I teach is about understanding sleep through the eyes of your child.

Want to know more?

Take my FREE Mini Course

Discover why sleep has become so difficult and get simple, actionable tips to help you get back on track today.